And that's a wrap! The Spirit of Cortland videos series has come to a close. It was such a pleasure for the Experience Cortland staff to talk about the Cortland County tourism industry and how the spirit of tourism is very much alive even during these uncertain times. We understand that life can be lonely and scary as we practice social distancing, so we hope that these videos brought light to your day and helped you feel more connected with our community.
We would just like to take a moment to thank everyone involved in the process of creating these videos. We are very appreciative of the amazing amount of support we had from our travel partners - thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone and participating in Zoom interviews! Thank you to community members who shared footage and images to include in the series, and thank you to everyone who viewed and shared the videos to spread the positive things that are happening within our county.
If you missed an episode, or would like to rewatch your favorite interview, the full playlist can be found on Facebook, or keeps scrolling to find the links below.
In the meantime: Be safe, be kind, be Cortland County strong!
Spirit of Cortland: Episode 1
Delivery dinosaurs are dancing across Cortland County, inspirational images across the county, an Experience Cortland Live Session by Stiv Morgan and a special National Travel & Tourism Week giveaway!
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Spirit of Cortland: Episode 2
Trinity Valley Dairy brings the milkman back to the local area, how to satisfy your taste buds while safely practicing social distancing and a virtual performance by Marc Ryan.
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Spirit of Cortland: Episode 3
A virtual shopping experience with Willow Lane Farmhouse, how to get your shopping fix while social distancing, a virtual performance by the Ridgeline Duo and ways to keep the kiddos (and adults) entertained that doesn't involve Netflix!
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Spirit of Cortland: Episode 4
Take a (virtual) tour of the Cortland County Historical Society with us, a sneak peak inside the future Cortland County Visitors Center and enjoy the sounds of Molly Andrejko with a virtual musical performance.
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Spirit of Cortland: Episode 5
See what else Cortland Beer Company is making besides beer and spirits these days, get an update on the future Homer Hops Brewing tasting room, find ways you can way to toast to National Travel & Tourism Week, and Chris Merkley wraps up the Experience Cortland Live Sessions with an original piece.
Has this series left you wanting to discover more about Cortland County? Click here to order the Visitors Guide to start planning your future adventures.