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Experience Cortland GeoTour

Calling all geocache enthusiasts! Experience the history and beauty of Cortland County by embarking on our GeoTour.

This tour will take you along the byways of Cortland County to the secret and not-so-secret hideaways where we have stashed our caches for you to discover. Along the way, you will learn about our county history that includes underground railroads, civil war camps, major league ballplayers, and possibly the best trucks ever built. You will also experience some of the nicest countrysides and rural villages you will ever find in New York State.

If you like to solve puzzles we’ve incorporated one in our tour. Each geocache site you find contains a three-letter code. Visit all 20 sites, record all the code letters, decipher the correct message, and claim your FREE Experience Cortland Geotour pin at our office.

We hope you, your family and friends will get to explore Cortland County, have some fun, learn a bit of history and enjoy the great outdoors. So, grab your GPS system, print out a map and get started today on your geocaching adventure.

Click here for the list of Experience Cortland geocaches.

To complete the Experience Cortland GeoTour:

There are 20 geocaches placed throughout Cortland County, and to successfully complete the trail you need to find all 20 the geocaches and write down the special code word inside each geocache container.  

When you have all 20 code words, fill out the form below by entering the code word to the corresponding geocache.  Please make sure all your contact information is correct.  Then submit your information and if your code words are all in order, we will send you a free Experience Cortland Geotour pin!

If you wish to submit by mail, you can submit your keywords to:

Cortland County Convention & Visitors Bureau
ATTN: Experience Cortland GeoTour
42 Main Street
Cortland, NY 13045

Enter the code word with the corresponding cache below:
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