The Gallery at the Center for the Arts
Homer, NY 13077
SEPTEMBER 8-10, 2023
This year’s NEEMFest (NorthEast Electro-Music Festival) is happening in Homer, NY. The performance-centric gathering, which grew out of the community, features three full days of innovative electronic music concerts, workshops, seminars, demonstrations, video artists, industry-name interviews, and a mini-swap meet.
There will also be a hands-on “Synthesizer Petting Zoo,” with various rare and odd synthesizers, drum machines, and other pieces of electronic music gear you hadn’t known existed. (Please bring your own headphones for the Petting Zoo. Otherwise, a community set of headphones will be made available; iPhone/iPod headsets work well.)
NEEMFest will once again take place at The Center for the Arts of Homer in Homer, New York.