Lynne Parks '68 SUNY Cortland Alumni House
Cortland, NY 13045
At 7 Valley Motel, guests experience the feeling of comfort that can only be found at home. Our efficiency suites feature kitchenettes so that you can prepare meals and we offer free cable and WIFI so that you can enjoy yourself while you are with us. Also, our staff and your fellow guests come together as a warm, friendly community. Make our comfortable motel room your home and let us become your new neighborhood.
Whether you plan to be with us for a week or months at a time, 7 Valley Motel can accommodate you. Our repeat customers are a testimony to our clean and comfortable rooms. SUNY Cortland alumni and parents enjoy our location. We offer affordable daily, weekly, or monthly rates.
Our motel is located near the center of everywhere you want to be. When staying with us, you’ll be within walking distance of Main Street and SUNY. There are also 3 state parks within a half-hour drive. If you need a great place to stay that is near all of the fun, come to 7 Valley Motel.
Need a comfortable place to stay at a great price? Choose 7 Valley Motel for peaceful, restful nights in a beautiful room.